Name Surname Marital status Age Birthday Employed
Joe Crosswave Married 32 1/5/1993 False
Merry Lisel Widowed 41 5/6/1983
Henry Crux Single 29 11/19/1995 True
Cody Jurut 49 8/11/1975 False
Simon Scranton Single 34 10/10/1990
Leena Laurent Divorced 19 7/1/2005 False
Ode Cosmides Married 53 4/17/1971 True
Diandra Mizner Single 20 8/20/2004 False
Pete Cassel Married 23 3/13/2002 False
Nicky Tremblay Married 32 1/5/1993 True
Mary Cassel Married 24 7/10/2000 True

@model IQueryable<Person>

    .Build(columns =>
        columns.Add(model => model.Name).Titled("Name").Sortable(true);
        columns.Add(model => model.Surname).Titled("Surname").Sortable(false);
        columns.Add(model => model.MaritalStatus).Titled("Marital status"); // Enums are sorted by their value and not by their string representation.

        columns.Add(model => model.Age).Titled("Age").Sortable(GridSortOrder.Desc); // Sets first sort order to desc instead of asc.
        columns.Add(model => model.Birthday).Titled("Birthday").Formatted("{0:d}");
        columns.Add(model => model.IsWorking).Titled("Employed");
    .Sortable() // Enables sorting for not explicitly configured property expression columns.